
All-purpose deployable applicator for various performance requirements

Always optimally placed

The DYN-Place S series dispensers handle simple labelling requirements in the Speed range up to 30 m/min with top precision. At higher rates of up to 60 m/min the DYN-Place SM series dispensers are used. The step-action Motor Version dispensers the Label with an accuracy of +/0,5 mm. The dispensers are modular in design and can therefore by Extended by retrofitting a variatey and control equipment etc.

Compact design for all applications:
• Control Systems including operating unit in an external 19" housing
• A variety of cable lengths make it possible to attach the control system in the mose accessible position
• Easily integrated into existing and new packaging lines
• Different dispenser tongues (fixed tongue, pneumatical label Transfer station, movable dispenser tongue, pneumatic and magnetic dispensing tongue) guarantee precision labelling.
• Suitable for labelling a wide variety of products simple fast to operate, yet intelligent
• Operator guidance via a 2-line, illuminated LCD Display in the language of your choice
• Product Memory for fast simple conversion to another product
• Constant Monitoring of the labelling process
• Clear text Display for end of Label tape, torn carrier tape or other machine states

For example, the following are available as an option: thermal Transfer printer, hot stamping unit, relief embossing unit, book printing ink unit, label prior warning, 5,7" touch panel, RS232 interface or an Ethernet interface, speed adaption, mechanical label scanning, label scanning by means of ultrasonic sensor, thanks to the IPZ manager, which is available as an option, and which communicates with the dispenser via an RS232 interface or the Ethernet interface, it is possible to control and monitor the machine from the PC without any problems.
