Unlimited possibilities for the administration of devices in mobile applications
The SOTI Entreprise-Mobilitymanagement solution (EMM) offers companies unlimited possibilities to administrate mobile applications for every device, every form factor and every operating system. And that for the complete life cycle - from delivery up to decommissioning.
Following fields can be controlled optimally:
- Aspects of mobility
- Tracking of physical components
- Administration of apps
- Safe storage of devices and data
The complexity of administration of multiple systems, providers and applications is reduced significantly by the use of SOTI MobiControl.
Advantages of SOTI MobiControl:
- Device management: With SOTI MobiControl you manage nearly all devices - from more than 140 different producers
- Safety: Precise control of permissions, maximises the protection of mobile devices and ensures confident business information
- Remote support: For site-independable simplification of communication, diagnostics and solution of problems with the equipment
- Company integration: Extended safety functions according PCI, SOX and HIPAA Compliance-Standards
- App-administration: With the company internal app-stores employees are always up-to-date with their mobile devices
- Content administration: Reglementation of the accessable documents and monitoring of confident business information
- Quick installation and implementation: Optimised configuration of mobile devices by automated account settings, applications, contents and VPN-settings
- Enourmous scalability: Individual device-manamgenet-solution can be installed and scaled by MobiControl
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